

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Tomayers Video-Tagebuch

No-Go-Area Deutschland




12/2011: Vertraulich - nur für den Dienstgebrauch

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 12/2011: Vertraulich - nur für den Dienstgebrauch

11/2011: Occupying Depression

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 11/2011: Occupying Depression

10/2011: Obamas Krieg, Osamas Sieg

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 10/2011: Obamas Krieg, Osamas Sieg

9/2011: Last Night of the Prolls

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 9/2011: Last Night of the Prolls

8/2011: Noch zu retten?

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 8/2011: Noch zu retten?

7/2011: Gaddafi und der Wetterfrosch

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 7/2011: Gaddafi und der Wetterfrosch

6/2011: Amerika Akbar

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 6/2011: Amerika Akbar

5/2011: Zapfenstreich für Gaddafi

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 5/2011: Zapfenstreich für Gaddafi

4/2011: Suicide A-Bombers

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 4/2011: Suicide A-Bombers

3/2011: Democracia falsa

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 3/2011: Democracia falsa

2/2011: Lötzsch und Chodorkowski

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 2/2011: Lötzsch und Chodorkowski

1/2011: System Error

To watch this video, you need the latest Flash-Player and active javascript in your browser.

Gremlizas Kolumne 1/2011: System Error
